We always welcome new members. Experience is not necessary; only enthusiasm, a love of trains, and the willingness to both share your knowledge as well as learn. We are one of the oldest continuously operating clubs in the nation, and we are looking for people who want to carry on the club's proud tradition. We are located at 14 Railroad Ave., Unit 54, Webster, MA.
No matter what your interests are in the model railroading world, you'll have a chance to take part in it. You can pass on your strengths while learning new skills. The projects within the club are varied enough that you can work on the projects pertaining to your interests and the subjects you want to learn. Although we have a plan for the HO layout, nothing on a model railroad is ever set in stone. Your ideas are welcome and your particular skills, desires, and tastes allow you to add your personal mark on the layout—and the membership.
Dues are $30 monthly.
Learn and Improve Modeling Skills
Pass along your knowledge
Experience camaraderie with people of similar interests
Junior members (13 to 17) are welcome at reduced dues ($12.00)
Junior members must be accompanied by a senior member
We're just getting started on the layouts; there is still so much to be done! The addition of your skills and ideas will continue to make our club and layout something to be proud of!
You can download a PDF version of our application.
If you have questions, or would like to get more information on the club, contact us.